Beni Indru & Efrata Church in Lugoj, Romania

With God's help our church had a great time in April 29 when many people came and visit us. It was an evangelistic night with many people that are not saved. 
God allowed us to prepare for this evening with invitations we shared in our neighborhood.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Thank you for loving us and sharing with others about our needs. 
Here are some pictures.

Materials provided by Morrill church. These are for children. We do not have Bibles for adults. We used most of the money to provide this bibles for students as a support for our VBS. We will expect to have this year at VBS over 200 children every day. We will have another evangelistic night in 1st of July when we want to give a bible for every person that will come and is not a Christian. We have 60 days beginning today to provide 300 bibles. Please pray for that night. Right now we ordered bible for students because they were able to send it (funding) to us. For regular bibles we must order in advance with 45 days to buy one time 300 bibles.

With love in Christ!
