Karen & Ruben Popet – Beraca Orphanage in Jdioara, Romania

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.   James 1:27

December 2016

Merry Christmas!


It seems like we just finished with Thanksgiving and now Christmas is almost upon us. We had a wonderful time at Thanksgiving. We cooked four turkeys with stuffing plus all of the other dishes and desserts that go with Thanksgiving. It was a feast. Our children and teenagers loved it. We had 45 people for dinner. The fellowship with everyone was great, too.


A couple of weeks ago we went to Arad with our teenagers to attend a youth meeting. A lot of young people from the hosting church plus other churches were there. The program included good worship, an excellent message and small group discussion. Afterwards, there was a time of fellowship. Our teenagers really enjoyed themselves. It is so good for them to interact with other teens who are seeking God.


Our children and teenagers have already started their Christmas. Last weekend a group of people from Deta came with a present for everyone. Many of them received watches, soccer balls, Legos, nice shampoos and lotions. They were very generous towards our children. Then, this past Sunday, a company in Timisoara invited our children and teenagers to come for a program at the mall. Our children and teenagers sang a couple of songs for them. Afterwards, the company gave a present to everyone. Plus, they bought all of us a meal at the food court. It was a fun afternoon. We have already been invited to three more places for special programs which include gifts for everyone. Plus, people have promised to come to Jdioara with some presents. This year our children are being blessed beyond their imaginations. God is so good to them and us all of the time.


This next week at school, everyone has semester tests. They also have projects to do. We are praying that everyone does well. Then the following week, there will be Christmas programs and parties and things. The next two weeks leading up to Christmas are very busy for us, too, getting things prepared. For Pesac, we need 158 presents to take to the children. We are also making food baskets for all of our widows. Plus, we need to get things together for our children, teenagers and workers for our special time on Christmas Day.


During all of these festivities and gift giving, we don’t want to forget the most important gift of all – Jesus. God gave His most precious gift for us. May we all remember to give of ourselves to others not only during this season but throughout the whole year. Thank you for giving to our ministry here through financial gifts and prayers. May each of you be blessed in a special way this season.


With our love,

Ruben, Karen and Bianca

With our love,

Ruben, Karen and Bianca

Beraca Foundation, P.O. Box 674, Jacksonville, IL 62651; karenpopet@gmail.com
